Tuition and lodging notes:
$599 per attendee includes both days, breaks, lunches and dinner based. No room included.
$860 per attendee includes both days as above and includes one single or double occupancy room. This is offered for those who do not have the capacity to make the room purchase on their own within their company structure.
Add $160 per night per attendee for arriving a day early.
NSN Freebies can be applied to reduce the price by $100 per attendee.
Fees will be charged at time of registration and portions may not be refundable (such as rooms).
Make your own lodging arrangements at Union League Liberty Hill, 610-825-800 or state you are with the Turf Equipment Group. Room block ends November 20th after that rooms are “as available”.
Make your own lodging arrangements at Turf Valley Resort, 410-465-1500 state you are with the Turf Equipment Group. Room block ends November 22nd after that rooms are “as available”.